Thursday, July 28, 2011

Confessions of a Caffeine Addict (Part 1)

Hello, my name is Amy Turman and I am a caffeine-a-holic.

It has gotten to the point where if I don't get at least 2 cups of coffee in the morning I have a horrible headache, I get irritable (like every noise and person annoys me), and I can't concentrate. This is because usually, I'll wake up to a pot of coffee already made, drink a [large] mug of it as I'm getting ready for work, and take a [large] carafe to work. I don't put that much in it- a splash of organic or soy milk and a packet of Splenda (with fiber!) - so I know I'm not craving sugar. Then, in the afternoon if the headache comes back I'll either buy a Diet Dr. Pepper, or pop a few Excedrins (that have caffeine in them).

I've decided - I have a problem. This addiction to caffeine needs to stop before my heart explodes. I mean, if Mormons outlaw the substance it must be evil, right?

However, it doesn't surprise me. It's in my blood - I come from a long line of caffeine addicts. At one point, my dad was such a caffeine junkie that he was drinking two sugar-free Monster energy drinks and popping 6 Excedrin per day. My sister has to have her coffee when she wakes up, and pops Excedrin constantly as well. We love caffeine, and obviously we like running around like gerbils on crack. It needs to stop!

I was reading the other day that people who drink 4 cups a day actually have LESS heart problems or weight problems - but then I also read that drinking too much caffeine can lead to high blood pressure, insomnia, and high anxiety. Since my caffeine habit has gotten out of control, I definitely have had problems sleeping and my anxiety has been through the roof.

So, here is my pledge. As the founder of C.A. (caffeine-a-holics anonymous), I pledge to cut back to 1 (or two...) cup(s) of coffee per day, to not take caffeine after 12 pm (unless I am going out on the weekends), and to research alternative, all-natural energy boosters to coffee and soda (which cause horrible crashes).

Join me in my journey to break this nasty habit. If you are a caffeine addict too, we can do this together. I refuse to be a caffeine junkie!

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