Thursday, July 28, 2011

Grandma-isms: The "Willy" Pepper

They say "like mother, like daughter." But have they ever said "like grandmother, like granddaughter"? People always ask me where I get my raunchy sense of humor. My answer? My grandma. She may look like your average home-economics professor turned home-maker who won't leave the house without make up (I mean her name is Charlotte, like Charlotte York Goldenblatt), but looks can be deceiving...

She may look all sweet and innocent...
If you don't know me, my vocabulary is full of "that's what she said," and dirty jokes that will make most grandmas cover their ears and smack you with a ruler. Not this dirty ol' bird. I am proud to say that my grandma-dearest is the reason that I have embraced this sense of humor.

Grandma's salt-and-
pepper shakers
Not too long ago (2008), I studied abroad and brought back Christmas presents for my entire family. I brought my darling grandma a pair of salt and pepper shakers. They were these beautiful white with blue windmills on them salt and pepper shaker towers that would have been perfect for any dinner party. Except for the fact that they were shaped like penises. When she first opened them, she asked me facetiously where the "on" switch was. She also joked that they were too small for her, and now shows them off to all of her friends as her "souvenir from Amsterdam."

So today she sends me an email with birthday salutations and a picture of a "willy pepper" (yes, that's it's real name). These supposedly exist IRL, and of course, leave it to Grandma to find it and email it to me on the eve of my 23rd birthday.

The "Willy" Pepper
And now I'm sharing it with you. I hope you like peppers. Try eating them all in one bite - I'm pretty sure that's what Grandma does.

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